Small actions have a big impact when we do them together. The price and availability of electricity affects everyone of us this winter, and many want to take concrete actions to reduce their energy consumption. The use of hot water and electricity weighs the most on the energy bill. When the consumption of heat and electricity decreases, the climate load also goes down. Win-win!
We made a bingo grid of energy-saving tips which may seem small, but have a big impact. Find the bingo grid in our Instagram highlighted stories Energiansäästö. When you get a bingo, share the grid in your story with the tag #studentenergysavers and tag our account @psoasfinland .
10.-16th of October is the annual energy savings week. Everyone who shares their bingo during this time and tagged us can pick up a sweet prize from our office.
By following the subject tag #studentenergysavers, you can see other’s bingos and get ideas for your own small energy saving actions.
Instagram is not partaking in carrying out this challenge.

PSOAS offers rental apartments for students in Oulu

Learn more about the apartments and areas and fill in the application. PSOAS has shared apartments, studios and bigger apartments.

Read more about the student life at PSOAS and get to know the facts about living, applying and moving in.

From Tenant Committee to the PSOAS Board – A New Resident Representative’s Story

Ville Isoherranen new CEO of PSOAS

Tell us your thoughts on PSOAS Car and car sharing