Maventa is an online invoicing service that allows us to safely and quickly send and receive invoices.
PSOAS uses Maventa for certain separate invoices, such as for repairs or cleaning, rather than including them in your regular monthly rent invoice. You can find more information about your regular rent payments here.
Maventa is also used by PSOAS in certain locations where you are billed separately for water or electricity based on your actual consumption. These locations are:
- Ylioppilaantie 2, Ylioppilaantie 4, and Ylioppilaantie 6
- Albertinkatu 6
- Virkakatu 3
- Yliopistokatu 1 family apartments
How it Works:
When PSOAS needs to send you an invoice using Maventa, it will be emailed to you. The invoice is sent automatically through the Maventa (AutoInvoice) service.
PSOAS offers rental apartments for students in Oulu

Learn more about the apartments and areas and fill in the application. PSOAS has shared apartments, studios and bigger apartments.

Read more about the student life at PSOAS and get to know the facts about living, applying and moving in.

Winter Yard Care – How We Maintain Walkways

PSOAS Fast Lane – Find Your Dream Student Home 🏡

Security Deposit 💶