Contrary to traditional construction projects, the new PSOAS high-rise building, UNO, will be built cooperatively. This means that in addition to PSOAS, the project has other responsible parties who have been able to influence the project from the start.
“In a cooperative project, there is more focus on collaboration and broader openness between the customer, main contractor, and partners compared with the traditional model. The building will be designed together with partners with an eye on shared objectives and user needs”, says Construction Manager Mika Hänninen from Lapti, the main contractor for the PSOAS UNO project.

“The main point in a cooperative project is that we have the best know-how of all the players at our disposal, and that we know what the project costs and how to best execute it”, comments PSOAS Property Manager Eerik Junnikkala.
Operators on a common path
In addition to Lapti, other parties include Sweco who oversees construction design, and A-Insinöörit Rakennuttaminen Oy of the AINS Group who handles, among other things, development activities, construction supervision, and technical building system supervision.
“When a project is executed cooperatively, we can utilise the contractor’s expertise in areas such as design control and we can monitor the project’s target price from day one”, Construction Engineer Antti Keränen tells us.
The operators in this cooperative project were chosen via negotiations and tenders. Lapti was selected as the contractual partner, and they have been involved from the very beginning of the development phase. For Lapti, UNO was highly interesting especially due to its future landmark status.
“PSOAS UNO will be in a very visible spot, and it will be the third highest residential building in Oulu when completed. From the project launch, we believed that as a major housing developer, Lapti possesses the professional know-how needed in the project”, says Lapti’s Hänninen.
Wear and communality bring additional challenges
Despite its imposing appearance, UNO is no piece of cake. PSOAS apartments are made for the rental market where turnover is high, and this causes higher wear. That is why the quality of construction and materials is very important.
“We own our buildings and pay all their maintenance costs. That affects rent levels directly. This is why we aim to choose materials that are as durable as possible, and the other players’ views can help us achieve this goal”, says Junnikkala of PSOAS.
“PSOAS UNO is a challenging project and differs from most general housing locations. Among other things, PSOAS has focused heavily on the communality of shared spaces. Building height also adds more challenge to the design and construction”, says Keränen of the A-Insinöörit.
Project is in schedule
Regardless of small obstacles along the way, the project is progressing well. Lapti’s Mika Hänninen tells us that frame erection for the 16-storey building is currently underway at the 14th floor, and that the lower floors are already undergoing interior finishing work.
“We have moved along in the implementation phase well in schedule, with high quality, and in accordance with the set project goals.”
“The project is going well, and we have tackled all the challenges in good collaboration with the customer and contractor”, applauds Antti Keränen of A-Insinöörit.
“This was evident, for instance, in how we managed to launch the project despite the major cost pressures and construction materials shortages caused by the war in Ukraine”, adds Unit Manager Ari-Matti Jänkälä of A-Insinöörit.
As to Eerik Junnikkala of PSOAS, this is his first cooperative project, and he is also satisfied with the novel way of executing construction.
“PSOAS has been an active agent in the process. The operators listen to us, and we participate in all design and onsite meetings. A major project always has a lot of variables, but all the involved parties are highly committed to this project. Everyone is working towards the best possible end result.”
PSOAS offers rental apartments for students in Oulu

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